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Web Hosting

Yes, every client who subscribed to any of the package can have a live chat session with one of our representative, and also can opt to send us support tickets via help desk support system to keep a good track of issues and its resolution.
Well this primarily depends on your requirements, if you are looking to host a simple blog or website, you can choose any of the offered plans for hosting. If you are looking to host some large application with complex database structure or need extra privacy, you can go for a dedicated server or can also select from a cloud hosting package. You can contact support for further assistance on the hosting package that would ideally suit your needs.
Not really, if you are a regular internet user and know general things about technology, it wouldn’t be an issue for you to manage your hosting from our easy to use hosting panel.
If you already have purchased your domain and have it registered with some of registrant, no issues, you can still subscribe a hosting package of your choosing to host your domains registered with other service providers.

Reseller Hosting

Your reseller account can be managed through the master control panel known as WHM (Web Hosting Manager). All of our reseller hosting plan are included with WHM and you don‘t need to separately purchase and configure it.
A support system for the reseller hosting is bit different than other SLAs. You should have some primary knowledge of addressing your client issues as being their immediate service provider, therefore, the first layer of support will be served by the Reseller Account holder himself. However, if sometime you have encountered with a problem that may need to see the server to investigate and fix, you can contact our tech team via helpdesk.
No, the white labeling has resolved this issue very well. As being a reseller account holder, you can use your own company’s identity, and can offer whatever package suits you. Your clients will not see Hostings House, and it will be like your own hosting business under your private label and name.
Not really, but you need to care about the resources allocated to the package you have subscribed. However, there isn’t any such restriction on the number of accounts you can add.

Dedicated Server

Yes, all of our services are backed by proactive support system where our support engineers always remain ready to assist and help you settle down your issues. You can have a live chat session with our representative or can also open a support ticket.
Severs that are managed by our team aren’t difficult to maintain. However, if you find difficult and require assistance, you can contact our technical support team after placing an order. Technical support is available 24/7 via helpdesk.
Dedicated server plans aren’t offering money back guarantee due to the cost involves in setting up servers. However, plans are billed monthly so you can opt to discontinue your selected plan before next billing cycle.
Yes, after you have placed and order and your order is fully provisioned, you can easily request the root access through your client panel, and you will be granted the access depending on the request.

Cloud Server

Yes, all of our services are backed by proactive support system where our support engineers always remain ready to assist and help you settle down your issues. You can have a live chat session with our representative or can also open a support ticket.
A tradition server is single machine or in the case of VPS a virtually distributed space/resource from a physical server. Whereas, the cloud is combination of servers cluster, this cluster works together and every server contributes its resources like storage space, RAM etc. for reliable performance avoiding strain on one server.
As you can see while selecting your preferred cloud hosting plan, we don’t put any restriction on number of websites you can host. You can host as many as you want, however, you will always need to calculate your requirements mindfully to ensure that the resources are sufficient for the volume of data/websites you host. You can contact sales through live chat/tickets for further help.
Yes! This is something where cloud outperforms traditional servers/VPS. You can always adapt and modify your resources according to your needs and requirements, you can turn off, up or low the resources instantly, without having to wait for anything to be deployed or configured.